Who Is Liable in a Golf Cart Accident?

Golf Cart Injuries
You might not realize that as the weather gets better your potential for being hurt in an accident on a Golf Course, near a golf course, or even in areas in which golf carts are used regularly could increase dramatically. This raises questions about liability in golf cart accidents. In the state of Florida, golf carts can often be used year around. And while many of these accidents cause minor injuries and damage, some of the worst accidents are so catastrophic that they even cause death.
Research from the Consumer Products Safety Commission shows that approximately 15,000 golf cart-related injuries happen every single year that are serious enough to prompt a visit to the emergency room. This can change someone’s life in an instant and lead to significant damages and expenses. This means that it’s important to get insight from a personal injury lawyer. Sometimes these are truly accidents that could not have been prevented but sometimes there is an underlying issue of negligence that should be pursued in a personal injury claim. In those of kinds of cases, the person hurt in the golf cart accident could deserve compensation for their pain and suffering and medical bills, which means hiring a knowledgeable Florida golf cart accident attorney immediately.
Liability Factors
Golf carts require no special training and are often used by people who do not drive them regularly or on private property. This makes it really difficult to determine who is liable for a particular accident.
Driving as a Cause of Liability
Inappropriate behavior on the part of a driver could make that person accountable and liable for the accident. If you are a passenger on the golf cart, you are much less likely to be at fault. If the driver is a golf course employee, other parties could be named as liable, such as the golf course. Another issue to consider is who owns and maintains the cart itself. The owner of that golf cart could be held accountable for failing to properly maintain it or if a certain person used the golf cart and failed to report potential damage or wear and tear, they could also be held responsible. It can be hard to figure out liability issues without the support of an experienced golf cart accident lawyer.